You’re approaching that long-awaited day when you can say goodbye to full-time employment. But you’ve been listening to the dire predictions of financial pundits. Not exactly encouraging stuff. Should you continue to plug along at work and ride out the storm? Or should you retire as planned, even if the market’s headed for a significant downturn?
Tough questions. Unfortunately, there’s not a one-size-fits-all answer.
Take a deep breath. Forget about the stuff you can’t control: the stock market, interest rates, government programs, the world economy… etc. One of the biggest hazards of retiring into a declining market is “sequence of returns” risk. That’s the problem of taking withdrawals — especially early in retirement — from a portfolio that’s headed in the wrong direction. Once shares are sold, fewer shares are available to profit from future market recoveries.
Nevertheless, you can take steps to cushion the transition even when retirement accounts are performing poorly. Here are four suggestions:
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